
In Demand In Command

6.    Change is a Constant “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, or the most intelligent, but those most able to adapt to change”. Darwin Organisations that don’t pe ........

In Demand In Command

5.    The Evolving ’Value-added’ Role of the Contact Centre   The contact centre continues to remain a pivotal asset to modern-day customer-facing organisations.  ▪          Up to ........

In Demand In Command

  4.    Migrating from Big Data to Smart Intelligence Technologists often refer to ‘Big Data’ but how about moving the rhetoric towards ‘Smarter Intelligence’.  Unless the business has the right ........

In Demand In Command

3. Motivators and Hygene Factors - Beware the Fickleness of the Customer Being ‘ok’ alone does not develop sustainable customer loyalty. Take a common digital transaction - ordering a product o ........

In Demand In Command

2.    CRM is a Core Business Strategy Adopting a conviction that Customer Relationship Management (CRM) should be a core business strategy will help enable you to truly put the customer at the ........

In Demand In Command

1.    Creating a Winning Customer Strategy With macro factors such as customers, investors, market sectors, regulation/de-regulation, globalisation, and technologies dynamically evolving, how ........